Quantum Field Theory
This is a list of my recommended books on Quantum Field Theory (QFT). It will be updated as I read more books. Ordering is based on my favorite books.

An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory
By Michael E. Peskin, Daniel V. Schroeder
It is a textbook intended for the graduate physics course covering relativistic quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, and Feynman diagrams. The authors make these subjects accessible through carefully worked examples illustrating the technical aspects of the subject, and intuitive …

Lectures of Sidney Coleman on Quantum Field Theory
By Yuan-Sen Ting (Editor), Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Editor), Richard Sohn (Editor), David Derbes (Editor)
Sidney Coleman was a physicist's physicist. He is largely unknown outside of the theoretical physics community, and known only by reputation to the younger generation. He was an unusually effective teacher, famed for his wit, his insight and his encyclopedic knowledge of the field to which …

The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume 1: Foundations
By Steven Weinberg
n The Quantum Theory of Fields, Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg combines his exceptional physical insight with his gift for clear exposition to provide a self-contained, comprehensive, and up-to-date introduction to quantum field theory. This is a two-volume work. Volume I introduces the …

Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model
By Matthew D. Schwartz
Providing a comprehensive introduction to quantum field theory, this textbook covers the development of particle physics from its foundations to the discovery of the Higgs boson. Its combination of clear physical explanations, with direct connections to experimental data, and mathematical …

Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur
By Tom Lancaster, Stephen J. Blundell
Quantum field theory is arguably the most far-reaching and beautiful physical theory ever constructed, with aspects more stringently tested and verified to greater precision than any other theory in physics. Unfortunately, the subject has gained a notorious reputation for difficulty, with …

Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
By Horatiu Nastase
Quantum Field Theory provides a theoretical framework for understanding fields and the particles associated with them, and is the basis of particle physics and condensed matter research. This graduate level textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum field theory, giving …

A Prelude to Quantum Field Theory
By John Donoghue, Lorenzo Sorbo
Quantum field theory is a powerful framework that extends quantum mechanics in ways that are essential in many modern applications. While it is the fundamental formalism for the study of many areas of physics, quantum field theory requires a different way of thinking, and many newcomers to …

Lectures On Quantum Field Theory
By Ashok Das
This book comprises the lectures of a two-semester course on quantum field theory, presented in a quite informal and personal manner. The course starts with relativistic one-particle systems, and develops the basics of quantum field theory with an analysis on the representations of the …

Field Theory: A Path Integral Approach
By Ashok Das
This book describes quantum field theory completely within the context of path integrals. With its utility in a variety of fields in physics, the subject matter is primarily developed within the context of quantum mechanics before going into specialized areas. All the existing chapters of …

Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell
By Anthony Zee
It covers the latest advances while providing a solid conceptual foundation for students to build on, making this the most up-to-date and modern textbook on quantum field theory available. This expanded edition features several additional chapters, as well as an entirely new section …

Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory
By Robert D. Klauber
The book focuses on the canonical quantization approach, but also provides an introductory chapter on path integrals. It covers fundamental principles of quantum field theory, then develops quantum electrodynamics in depth.

Quantum Field Theory
By Mark Srednicki
Quantum field theory is the basic mathematical framework that is used to describe elementary particles. This textbook provides a complete and essential introduction to the subject. Assuming only an undergraduate knowledge of quantum mechanics and special relativity, this book is ideal for …

Quantum Field Theory
By Jean-Bernard Zuber, Claude Itzykson
Quantum field theory remains among the most important tools in defining and explaining the microscopic world. Recent years have witnessed a blossoming of developments and applications that extend far beyond the theory's original scope. This comprehensive text offers a balanced treatment, …

Relativistic Quantum Fields
By James D. Bjorken, Sidney D. Drell
The authors of this classic physics text develop a canonical field theory and relate it to Feynman graph expansion. With graph analysis, they explore the analyticity properties of Feynman amplitudes to arbitrary orders, illustrate dispersion relation methods, and prove the finiteness of …

A Course in Field Theory
By Pierre van Baal
Extensively classroom-tested, A Course in Field Theory provides material for an introductory course for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in physics. Based on the author's course that he has been teaching for more than 20 years, the text presents complete and detailed coverage …

Quantum Field Theory: The Why, What and How
By Thanu Padmanabhan
This book describes, in clear terms, the Why, What and the How of Quantum Field Theory. The raison d'etre of QFT is explained by starting from the dynamics of a relativistic particle and demonstrating how it leads to the notion of quantum fields. Non-perturbative aspects and the Wilsonian …

Introduction to Quantum Field Theory: Classical Mechanics to Gauge Field Theories
By Anthony G. Williams
This textbook offers a detailed and uniquely self-contained presentation of quantum and gauge field theories. Writing from a modern perspective, the author begins with a discussion of advanced dynamics and special relativity before guiding students steadily through the fundamental …

Lectures on Classical and Quantum Theory of Fields
By Henryk Arodz, Leszek Hadasz
This textbook addresses graduate students starting to specialize in theoretical physics. It provides didactic introductions to the main topics in the theory of fields, while taking into account the contemporary view of the subject. The student will find concise explanations of basic …
Advanced Foundations

Renormalization: An Introduction to Renormalization, the Renormalization Group and the Operator-Product Expansion
By John C. Collins
Most of the numerical predictions of experimental phenomena in particle physics over the last decade have been made possible by the discovery and exploitation of the simplifications that can happen when phenomena are investigated on short distance and time scales. This book provides a …

Aspects of Symmetry: Selected Erice Lectures
By Sidney Coleman
This collection of review lectures on topics in theoretical high energy physics has few rivals for clarity of exposition and depth of insight. Delivered over the past two decades at the International School of Subnuclear Physics in Erice, Sicily, the lectures help to organize and explain …

Field Theory: A Modern Primer
By Pierre Ramond
Presents recent advances of perturbative relativistic field theory in a pedagogical and straightforward way. For graduate students who intend to specialize in high-energy physics.

Local Quantum Physics: Fields, Particles, Algebras
By Rudolf Haag
The new edition provided the opportunity of adding a new chapter entitled 'Principles and Lessons of Quantum Physics'. It was a tempting challenge to try to sharpen the points at issue in the long-lasting debate on the Copenhagen Spirit, to assess the significance of various arguments from …

Perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: An Introduction for Mathematicians
By Kasia Rejzner
The subject of this book, is a complete and mathematically rigorous treatment of perturbative quantum field theory (pQFT) that doesn’t require the use of divergent quantities and works on a large class of Lorenzian manifolds. We discuss in detail the examples of scalar fields, gauge …

Quantum Fields and Strings, Volume 1: A Course for Mathematicians
By Pierre Deligne (Editor), Pavel Etingof (Editor), Daniel S. Freed (Editor), Lisa C. Jeffrey (Editor), David Kazhdan (Editor), John W. Morgan (Editor), David R. Morrison (Editor), Edward Witten (Editor)
Ideas from quantum field theory and string theory have had considerable impact on mathematics over the past 20 years. Advances in many different areas have been inspired by insights from physics. In 1996-97 the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, NJ) organized a special year-long …

Quantum Fields and Strings, Volume 2: A Course for Mathematicians
By Pierre Deligne (Editor), Pavel Etingof (Editor), Daniel S. Freed (Editor), Lisa C. Jeffrey (Editor), David Kazhdan (Editor), John W. Morgan (Editor), David R. Morrison (Editor), Edward Witten (Editor)
The purpose of this book is eloquently stated in a letter written by Robert MacPherson: “The goal is to create and convey an understanding, in terms congenial to mathematicians, of some fundamental notions of physics … [and to] develop the sort of intuition common among physicists for …
Standard Model

The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 2: Modern Applications
By Steven Weinberg
In this second volume of The Quantum Theory of Fields, available for the first time in paperback, Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg continues his masterly exposition of quantum theory. Volume 2 provides an up-to-date and self-contained account of the methods of quantum field theory, and how …

Quantum Field Theory
By Franz Mandl, Graham Shaw
Following on from the successful first (1984) and revised (1993) editions, this extended and revised text is designed as a short and simple introduction to quantum field theory for final year physics students and for postgraduate students beginning research in theoretical and experimental …

Advanced Quantum Theory
By Michael D Scadron
It is a concised, comprehensive, well-organized text based on the techniques used in theoretical elementary particle physics and extended to other branches of modern physics as well. While it is especially valuable reading for students and professors of physics, a less cursory survey …

Gauge Theory of elementary particle physics
By Ta-Pei Cheng, Ling-Fong Li
This is a practical introduction to the principal ideas in gauge theory and their applications to elementary particle physics. It explains technique and methodology with simple exposition backed up by many illustrative examples. Derivations, some of well known results, are presented in …

Group Theory for the Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond
By Based on the author’s well-established courses, Group Theory for the Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond explores the use of symmetries through descriptions of the techniques of Lie groups and Lie algebras. The text develops the models, theoretical framework, and mathematical tools to understand these symmetries.

Dynamics of the Standard Model
By John F. Donoghue, Eugene Golowich, Barry R. Holstein
Describing the fundamental theory of particle physics and its applications, this book provides a detailed account of the Standard Model, focusing on techniques that can produce information about real observed phenomena. The book begins with a pedagogic account of the Standard Model, …
Numerical QFT
It's well known as Lattice QFT.

Introduction to Quantum Fields on a Lattice
By Jan Smit
This book provides a concise introduction to quantum fields on a lattice: a precise and non-perturbative definition of quantum field theory obtained by replacing continuous space-time by a discrete set of points on a lattice. The path integral on the lattice is explained in concrete …

Quantum Fields on a Lattice
By Istvan Montvay, Gernot Münster
Quantum field theory describes basic physical phenomena over an extremely wide range of length or energy scales. Quantum fields exist in space and time, which can be approximated by a set of lattice points. This book presents a comprehensive and coherent account of the theory of quantum …
Beyond Standard Model

The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume 3: Supersymmetry
By Steven Weinberg
Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg continues his masterly exposition of quantum field theory. This third volume of The Quantum Theory of Fields presents a self-contained, up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to supersymmetry, a highly active area of theoretical physics that is likely to …

Supersymmetry and String Theory: Beyond the Standard Model
By Michael Dine
The past decade has witnessed dramatic developments in the fields of experimental and theoretical particle physics and cosmology. This fully updated second edition is a comprehensive introduction to these recent developments and brings this self-contained textbook right up to date. Brand …
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Published on Jul 1, 2023
Last revised on Sep 24, 2023