Physics External Links
This webpage is dedicated to listing links to physics-related stuffs. This will act like bookmarks for me. I hope you will also get benefited from it. You may also like to visit /mel, /cel, /tel, and /sel.
Table of Contents
- Topics
- Selected Physics related Wiki-pages
- Selected Online Course
- Selected Physics Journal
- Selected ArXiv Topics
- Selected Papers from Web
- Selected external posts
- Tools
- Extra
- Interesting Stuff
Gravitation and Cosmology
- 3+1 Formalism and Bases of Numerical Relativity by Éric Gourgoulhon Lecture Note
- Non-coordinates basis in General Relativity and Cartan’s structure equations by Wytler Cordeiro dos Santos Note
- An introduction to spinors by Andrew M. Steane
Quantum Field Theory
- Notes from Sidney Coleman’s Physics 253a by Sidney Coleman
- Quantum Field Theory by Mark Srednicki Draft Book
- Quantum Field Theory by Jeff Schmidt Lectures
- Fields by Warren Siegel Concise Introduction
- Lectures on Quantum Field Theory by David Tong
- Quantum Field Theory by Niklas Beisert
- Integrability in QFT and AdS/CFT by Niklas Beisert
Standard Model
- Standard Model I: QCD by Michal Praszalowicz Lecture Notes
- The Standard Model and Flavor Physics by Yosef Nir Lecture Note
Topological Quantum Field Theory
- Introduction To Chern-Simons Theories by Gregory W. Moore Lecture Note
Beyond Standard Model
- Basics of Quantum Gravity Online School Lecture series
- Introduction to Supersymmetry by Adel Bilal Lecture Note
- Introduction to Supersymmetry by Fernando Quevedo Compiled by Jeff Asaf Dror Compiled Lecture Note
- Lectures on String Theory by David Tong Lecture Notes
- Introduction to String Theory by Niklas Beisert Lecture Notes
- Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity by Carlo Rovelli Lecture
Selected Physics related Wiki-pages
- List of contributors to general relativity
- Glossary of physics
- Outline of physics
- Index of physics wiki articles
- List of important publications in physics
- cGh physics
Selected Online Course
Selected Physics Journal
- Classical and Quantum Gravity by IOPScience
- Phys. Rev. D APS Physics covering particles fields gravitation cosmology
Selected ArXiv Topics
Selected Papers from Web
- The symmetry and simplicity of the laws of physics and the Higgs boson by Juan Maldacena Gauge symmetry via economic analogy
- Connection between Spin and Statistics by Gerhart Lüders & Bruno Zumino Rigorous proof of the CPT theorem
- Gravitational lensing by spinning black holes in astrophysics, and in the movie Interstellar by ... & Kip Thorne Interstellar motion graphics based on this paper
Selected external posts
- How to become a Good Theoretical Physicist Gerard’t Hooft
- So You Want to Learn Physics… Susan Rigetti
- From Griffiths to Peskin: a lit review for beginners Reviews of QFT books
- Murray Gell-Mann obituary
- The Algorithm That Lets Particle Physicists Count Higher Than Two
- REDUCE Computer Algebra System
- FeynCalc Mathematica Package for QFT Calculations
- Cadabra Field-theory motivated approach to computer algebra
Computer Algebra System
Symbolic Manipulation System
- FORM for Pedestrians Documentation
- FORM Reference Manual Documentation
- Calculating Particle Interactions Course
- Using FORM Course
- FORM for Mathematicians Documentation
- Symbolica Symbolic Manipulation toolkit
- Topics in Theoretical Physics (Quantum Gravity in particular) by Luca Bombelli
- Scholarpedia peer-reviewed open-access encyclopedia
- The Feynman lectures on physics Maintain by Caltech
- Einstein Papers Project Maintain by Caltech Collection Einstein papers
- Digital Einstein Papers Maintain by Princeton Collection Einstein papers
- Neo-classical Physics by David Delphenich Has translation of old papers
Interesting Stuff
- F. D. C. Willard First cat to co-author a physics paper
- Was Lorentz our first particle physicist? M. Veltman 1999 Nobel Laureate
- How to Write Maxwell’s Equations on a T-Shirt M. Peskin
- Reading from paper compared to screens: A systematic review and meta-analysis by Virginia Clinton
- Banknotes featuring Scientists and Mathematicians by Jacob Bourjaily
Updated on 5 Jul 2023